Saturday, December 08, 2007

Aatha, naan 'settle' aayittaen!!

Wheeef!! I am finally getting settled here... In 24 hrs, my status in this country has changed from a hitchhiker to a networked resident!!

I got to know my Social Security Number yesterday (I had to visit the SSA office to know it in person; the card is in the mail!). Next, I went to the Department of Motor Vehicles (popularly known as the DMV) and armed with my SSN number, I could apply for a California State Driver License. They gave me some tests, notably the written test in which I had to score more than 83.33% to 'pass'. I aced the test scoring 94.44% and they gave me a temporary driver license that allows me to drive a car on my own here. I still have to appear for a driving test next week to get my driver license though.

Anyway, now that that was done.. I went and hired a car and also moved into my own accomodation today. And then, I had to spend another couple of hours to get my post-paid mobile connection from Verizon. (Man, how much of a fuss these mobile companies make... they need an SSN... a good credit history (which needs that I own some credit cards and may be, some loans and to be paying them off on time for some months)... security deposit, in lieu of bad or non-existent credit history... and so on....)

After all that, I can finally claim I am settling down here...

Still to come are the credit cards, bank checking accounts, ....

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Eternal Life!

Javeda Zindagi  I love this song from the movie, Anwar... just melts my heart every time I hear it. (Courtesy: musicmania from ...