Well, I am in Detroit now. Come here for a few days, on work. I don't know where work is going to take me in the coming weeks, but I do know that I will not continue in Los Angeles for long.
Detroit is so coool!!! well.... literally cold... with snow around and flurries falling... but is nice (to visit, don't know about staying though ;-)
The best part is that the snow and all-encompassing whiteness gives it a surreal feeling.. more like in those fantasy lands... of Santa & Snow white!!!
As I was driving to my friend's place, I was reminded of my time in the Netherlands some years ago. Bare leaf-less (but not life-less) trees and cold winds... amazing! And then, the shock on my friend's face (I had not told her about my visit) when I knocked their door in the middle of the night... Man, priceless!!
But then, as Govar says, living here could be an altogether different deal... But I am not going to worry about it... I am just a happy visitor now!!
Downtown Detroit is supposed to be so crime-ridden... I went to a Tacos place... They had security cameras all over.... And even the counter was like a safe-deposit with thick glass panels... you deposit your money and close the door... only then, would the cashier's door open on the other side... he will keep the food packet and close the door again... And then you can pick it up your side....
I almost drove to Canada... We were on our way to the MGM Grand casino downtown... we went past the ambassador bridge (that links to Canada)... There were a lot of construction work happening on the highway and many ramps were closed... We tried navigating our way and ended at a toll plaza. When enquired, she said that it was the toll leading to Canada... Well, imagine if I had not asked the question!!
I guess its with all those cold places. When I visited CT for the first time, I thought 'this is it'... but it got to me in a couple of weeks. Snow when prolonged actually quite sucks... cleaning car every morning, plodding through for work and office... bring me the sun!
Well.... as long as it lasts!! The surreal feeling... :-)
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