Agreed... This issue of reservations is quite emotional to everyone. And when emotions are at play it is difficult to think rationally. But then, this nonsense has been going on far too long....
Doctors seem to be in the forefront of the agitation... why?
Every year, we the tax payers spend thousands of crores to get these people (doctors and engineers alike) the top class education. And all they give in return is this? staying away from hospitals and emergency medical facilities (leave alone the non-critical functions.. is there one? what is non-critical in medicine? a leg injury?let him suffer? ) in the name of strike and fight for meritocracy?
Is this the only way to fight for justice? these educated medicos?? are they so hopeless in the system that they need to resort to such measure?
That said... I am not pro reservations in the current form.
Ok. you free a man who had been chained for years. You cannot leave him at the start line and expect him to race equally with the others. (somebody said this.. I forget the American) So, how much head-start would be sufficient for him and for how many races?
Have time-bound reservations.
Are you going to give this special head-start to everybody who claims to have been chained? How many of the SCs/STs/OBCs are actually deserving a reservation?
It is a know fact that the 'creamy' layer gets to enjoy most of these benefits, if not all. Weed out this 'creamy' layer. Decide a cut-off income group for each region/state. Anybody having family (parental) income of above 4lacs per annum will not be eligible for these reservations.
"Have time-bound reservations and weed out the creamy layer from these reservations"
And yes.. provide seats to deserving students from the general category whose family income is less than 3lacs per annum.
I quote a dear friend of mine... "The only effective way to reach any solution.. the only way much of human civilizations reached a solution to conflicts is by 'negotiating'"
Thursday, May 18, 2006
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the medical students r protestign because med school is probably the toughest to get into in india...
the original idea of reservations was to have it time bound!! but these politicions just keep amending the constitution again and again to increase the time period..
i don't see why this issue cannot be resolved by consensus..
"Close your eyes and you will see a blind's man world" says somebody.
It is hard/impossible to talk about the plight of these medicos without actually having experienced it. While it is true that the Govt (and hence taxpayers) spend money to get them educated, it is no solace to them to see all their hard work and dedication taken away because of vote bank.
I can go on and on to tell why it is understandable to see their frustration - but that is not the point. Point is that the "affirmitive action" has gone unchecked for too long and this is a natural explosion of the pent-up anger.
As they say, "insanity in an individual is unacceptable; but in a mob, that is the rule"
Neha and Anonymous
the issue rages on...
have been getting emails/messages of one AIIMS student dying and that not being covered by the media.. after a point, it stops making sense...
negotiation is a subjective, narcissitic emobodiment of humans ability to manipulate a situation to their favor while donning the garb of a pacifier:)/negotiator/peace envoy etc..
How can it then solve another man's problem? Each man for himself, but bounded by a unwritten rule of survival, thats how the jungle has functioned and will continue to do so.Therefore a universal unity can never be achieved.
As castism in the eastern hemisphere resonates strongly, the west have provided their own version with racist overtures.
This problem is a singular open ended one, which can only have approximate solutions. Why then do we seek for a impossible and tediously analytical one? Can i get an answer?
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