Thank you my parents.. without you I would not have been here in the world..
Thank you Lord the devil.. If you are the matter, you are the anti-matter too!
Thank you Dell for making this laptop.. that has been through my thick and thin the past year...
And of course, the Comcast cable modem and internet services.. without whom I may not be online today..
(Well.. what is an award without an acceptance speech?!! :p)

The Kreative Blogger Award comes with these rules :-
1. You must thank the person who has given you the award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link the person who has nominated you for the award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 other Kreativ bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs to let them know they have been nominated
Well.. here comes my magic seven...
1. The first fairy tale I remember is of the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs... I was fascinated by the story and I probably carry it to this day..
Here is one that I read recently that reminded me of my Snow White...
Goodly Glee and Lovely Blandishment
Most goodly glee and lovely blandishment
She to me made, and bad me love her deare,
For dearly, sure, her love was to me bent,
As, when just time expired, should appeare:
But whether dreames delude or true it were,
Was never heart so ravish'd with delight,
No living man like words did ever hear,
As she to me delivered all that night,
And at her parting said, she Queen of Faires hight.
Edmund Spenser from The Faerie Queene
2. Cate Blanchett as Galadriel in the LOTR is probably the only highlight of the movie for me.. I fell asleep halfway through the movie.. And the Harry Potters too...!
3. I need to remind myself of the Snow White a lot 'cos the snow here is not going to be fun without her!! Minneapolis is supposed to have one of the coldest winters in these parts.. with temp at or about -30 degrees Celsius for a long time!!
4. I'm gonna meet my neice for the first time when I go to India on vacation next weekend.. She is the cutest!!
5. My inspiration - 'The earth that is not yet under my feet!' (Copyright 2009 ;-)
6. Right now, I am really happy. And happiness is a state of mind!! but, snow white, of course, is snow white ;-)
7. I gotta acknowledge.. I took this up today, 'cos I wanted something to write about.. and nothing else was coming to mind!
Now, I nominate Jam n Missus, Jammy, Venkat, Sangi, Maggi, Sukku, Govar
Keep rocking!!
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