The Sign board near the entrance of the hills in Kukke Subramanya.

Starting the climb through the forest..

And continuing through the grasses (bordering the forest)..

A Forest Watch Tower! ;)

To the Pit Stop (Bhattre's place)

The next morning from Giri Gadde

To breakfast at the Mantapam (you see that?)

see that now?!

and the trail beyond..?

On the penultimate peak.. Kshesh Giri

The trail covered so far..

And the other side at Kshesh..

The (hidden) trail to Pushpa Giri through the forest

...And the waterfall face

The Cliffhanger pose :P

Pushpa Giri conquered!

top shot!!

back at Giri Gadde saying bye (and thanks) to Mahalingeshwara Bhatta ( you may also need his mobile number: 9448647947)

the pics are toooooo good!!
awesome trip u had :)
happy new year!
Beautiful Pics and
Happy New Year!
Thanks! neha. Wish you a great year with some awesome trips too :)
Thanks! gops. you too..!!
aweeesome!!! u sure begun the year on a rocking note....literally :)
:) Thanks deez
koopa thanks:)
Hey Bhaskar,
Can you tell me the route to this place. I am from chennai and want to go to this place during a weekend.
Can you send me your mail id?
Mine is kurian.xl@gmail.com
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